Big risks and taxi fares: John Boyega interviewed on The Feed

John Boyega in semi-Star Wars mode (image via The Star Wars Underworld)


Go hard or go home is a mantra beloved by many, a rallying cry to give something everything you’ve got or not bother at all.

Pretty inspiring stuff right?

Well yes, but as John Boyega, star of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Pacific Rim: Uprising explains with down to earth good humour and honesty to Australian journalist Marc Fennel (a gifted interviewer if ever there was one), giving something, in this case his career, everything he’s got has come with all kinds of sacrifices and isn’t as simple or as straightforward as the mantra would have you believe.

Even so, it’s paid out bigtime for an actor who is every bit as likeable and grounded as you’ve been led to believe.


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