Let’s be honest – who of us hasn’t walked into the bathroom and wondered what the hell that reflective slab of wall is in front of us, in which is imprisoned an unsettlingly eerie likeness of ourselves?
Hands up! Oh, just me? Right, moving on …
But wait, you must have left your apartment, late for work and rushing for the train, only to find those shoe thingies on your hands and your pants uselessly twirling around your head like a lost airport wind socket?
No, really, just me again? Sigh …
Regardless of whether it’s just me with pouring juice into glass issues, or an inability to properly answer the phone, you’ll find a great deal to assist you in the latest instalment in Agnes Brangles’ You Are An Adult series, How to … Dress Yourself!

Or perhaps, rather delightfully you won’t since it is one of Jeff Wysaski‘s hilarious parody book titles, one of many he has scattered throughout bookstores for unsuspecting, shoe-challenged book buyers to find.
A sequel of sorts to his Fake Bookstore Sections prank, which included “Dudes Who Lost Their Shirts” – the shirtless men who smoulder on the covers of pulpy romance novels may be pretty but they sure are forgetful – and “Meals You Intend to Make But Never Will”, twinned with, naturally enough, “I mean, seriously, here are some takeout menus because come on, let’s be honest”, the Obvious Plant fake covers are masterly-conceived and cleverly-written with even author bios, hilariously over the top but there nonetheless, on the inside dust jacket.
Scattered randomly but with purpose around their creator’s local bookstore in West Hollywood, California, the parody books have been a hit with book buyers and employees alike as Wysaski told Bored Panda.
“I actually got the idea while doing a different plant, Better Book Store Sections. While scouting and putting up signs for that prank, I thought of the idea to create some funny parody books.
“They were up for about a day. A few people who saw them online guessed which bookstore they were at (Book Soup). Apparently, one of them pointed the books out to the staff and that’s how they became aware of them.
“The employees actually loved them…I’m told they are now on display with an asking price of $7 million per book.”
Expensive they may be but totally worth it, especially if you’re parent and your son announces of out nowhere – although seriously you didn’t notice the little horns or their excessively hirsute body? – that he’s a centaur.
There’s now a book for that! Crisis averted … and laughs guaranteed.
Now go off and fake read everyone … there are many pretend titles awaiting your attention – you can check out the full range at Bored Panda, and Reddit, and Jeff Wysaski’s sites on Tumblr, and Pleated Jeans.