In this fifth fully animated feature collaboration, the studios which brought you Despicable Me present a fast-paced, hilarious thrill ride following the secret lives that domesticated pets lead each day while their humans are away at work or school. The film stars Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Kevin Hart, Ellie Kemper, Lake Bell, Jenny Slate, Bobby Moynihan, Hannibal Buress and Albert Brooks.The Secret Life of Pets is directed by Chris Renaud (Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2), co-directed by Yarrow Cheney and written by Brian Lynch, Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio. Illumination founder and CEO Chris Meledandri serves as producer with his longtime collaborator Janet Healy. (official synopsis via Animation Magazine)
So what are your pets getting up to while you’re away earning a living or running errands?
WAAAAAY more than you might think.
Illumination Entertainment’s The Secret Life of Pets makes it particularly, hilariously clear that if you’re the owner of a bunny called Snowball, you may surprised that you’re cute, doe-eyed carrot-chomping rabbit is in fact a butt-kicking, animal-rescuing warrior who not only stares down the humans out to get him but takes them physically to task.
He is no simpering bunny unable to look after himself.
And there are plenty of other pets like him in The Secret Life of Pets who may look like they need their humans but are quite capable of looking after themselves thank you.
It all adds up to a lot of unexpected fun that should appeal to pet owners and non-pet owners, and probably a lot of pets who have snuck out of their respective houses to catch a film in their spare time.
The Secret Life of Pets opens in USA on 8 July 2016 and Australia on 8 September.