Graphic novel review: Lightfall (book 3) – The Dark Times by Tim Probert

(courtesy Harper Collins Publishers Australia) It’s a rare thing indeed to proclaim, in musically buoyant Mary Poppins fashion, that something is “practically perfect in every way” but that’s really all that can be said about each and every instalment of Lightfall by massively talented writer and illustrator Tim Probert– 1: Continue Reading

Graphic novel review: Star Trek – Deep Space Nine: The Dog of War by Mike Chen and Angel Hernandez

(courtesy Penguin Random House) Released to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the launch of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which ran for seven seasons from 1993 to 1999, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Dog of War by Mike Chen (writer) and Angel Hernandez (art), is one of Continue Reading

Graphic novel review: Indigo Children by Rockwell White and Curt Pires (writers) + Alex Diotto and Dee Cunniffe (artists)

(courtesy Image Comics) One of the rare thrills in life, which rarely is as exciting as we want it to be, is diving deep into a promising science fiction story and finding it is just as brilliantly engaging, if not more so, than you expected. Especially if the story in Continue Reading

Merry pop culture Christmas to all … and to all a good streaming-reading-listening night!

(courtesy Pinterest (c) Charles M. Schulz) Merry pop culture Christmas everyone! I have had a ball as always this year writing about all kinds of books, movies, TV/streaming shows, graphic novels/comics and songs, and while it’s been tough to keep writing in my spare time when my day job as Continue Reading