Graphic novel review: Lightfall (book 3) – The Dark Times by Tim Probert

(courtesy Harper Collins Publishers Australia) It’s a rare thing indeed to proclaim, in musically buoyant Mary Poppins fashion, that something is “practically perfect in every way” but that’s really all that can be said about each and every instalment of Lightfall by massively talented writer and illustrator Tim Probert– 1: Continue Reading

Graphic novel review: Void Rivals Vol. 1 More Than Meets the Eye by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici and Matheus Lopes

(courtesy Image Comics) Storytelling universes are very much in vogue in Hollywood at the moment. The most well-known and most successful of the lot of them is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are a great many far less successful pretenders to the throne including the D.C. Comics take on Continue Reading