Songs, songs and more songs #42: Jean Dawson, beabadoobee, Big Freedia, YDE, Baby Queen + Eurovision 2021 update

Honesty. Truthfulness. Authenticity. They’re all powerful words and they describe powerful states of being where all the artifice and pointless detritus of the world falls away and you are just yourself. Unapologetically, gloriously yourself. All five of the artists in this selection know exactly what that feels like and their Continue Reading

Movin’ Right Along? Kermit and Fozzy find a way to keep things going (virtually) during lockdown #COVID19

SNAPSHOTJoin us as we all get Movin’ Right Along into 2021 with a song in our hearts, a banjo on our knee, and a bear behind the wheel. Happy New Year!!! ….from The Muppets. (synopsis via Laughing Squid) If ever there was a year that sapped, almost completely, our will Continue Reading

On 12th day of Christmas … I listened to A Holly Dolly Christmas by Dolly Parton

As you might expect from a bright, larger than life personality like Dolly Parton, Holly Dolly Christmas, her new Christmas album and the successor to 1990’s Home For Christmas, opens on a joyously upbeat note with “Holly Jolly Christmas” that starts off an album with exactly the right kind of Continue Reading