Sonic Bliss #1: My favourite songs of the week

If you’ve even glanced at this blog in passing, it will have become fairly obvious fairly quickly that I love music. To an almost unhealthy I-should-go-to-rehab-or-get-shock-therapy-while-strapped-to-a-gurney-in-a-1950s-hospital degree, and even then I suspect it likely wouldn’t work. And frankly I wouldn’t want it too. Music is vital, wonderful and without a Continue Reading

"Locked By Land" – Jinja Safari

Is there such a genre, in this ever more musically fragmented world, as Rastafarian-Funk-Tribal? Because if there is, then Jinja Safari should own it hands down. Not that that is the dominant sound on this wholly unique album. It also possesses some Bon Iver dreaminess, or the folk sensibilities of Continue Reading

"Something" – Chairlift

For Chairlift the 1980s, and its synth-drenched rhythm never really ended. And no, I am not using their choice to put down creative roots in the heyday of Gary Numan, and Duran Duran as some sort of patronising putdown. It is anything but. Unlike so many other bands that draw inspiration Continue Reading