It’s been far too long between drinks for everyone’s favourite cul-de-sac crew from Florida but we’re now only two months away from season 4 of Cougar Town and fresh new episodes with the all lunacy, dysfunction and wine drinking anyone could want!
Produced by Bill Lawrence (Scrubs, Spin City) and Kevin Biegel, Cougar Town premiered just after Modern Family back in September 2009, receiving a full season pick up from ABC only a month later.
But though ABC were quick to order an entire season of the comedy, set in Gulfhaven, Florida (nicknamed Cougar Town after its football team, the Cougars), they weren’t entirely certain about what to do with the show, and its third season was pushed back to a February 2012 start date before ABC sold the show lock, stock and barrel off to TBS.

TBS thankfully seems to realise what a gem they have on their hands.
They obviously noticed the amazing lengths that Bill Lawrence and his team went to over a concerted period of time to raise awareness of the show.
From a formidable Twitter presence, and exceptionally loyal and passionately engaged fans to events hosted on 20 cities big and small and all paid by Bill Lawrence et al, their grassroots marketing campaign proved that social media can have a profound effect on who wants your show.

Bill Lawrence, quote in an article by Kate Stanhope on tvguide.com had this to say about the ultimately successful campaign:
“One thing we discovered is that our grassroots thing, without a doubt, brought thousands upon thousands more viewers to the show, but in 20 some odd venues and cities we went to, we did not meet one Nielsen family [Nielsen runs the traditional ratings system for television] … The most exciting thing is to not really be a prisoner anymore to traditional ratings.”
With awareness raised, and an enthusiastic channel backing them, the future is looking bright for a show that I think is one of the most daring, funny and clever sitcoms on television.
Roll on January 2013.
I have the red wine, and impossibly large glass ready to go …