I am not usually one for rampant nostalgia, happy to return to much-loved TV shows, music, books or movies for the occasional visit but rather averse to living there permanently.
After all, looking at everything through the rose-tinted glasses of the past makes everything look a little odd after a while.
But after the rampant disappointment of season 9 of the modern Doctor Who era, under the less than stellar stewardship of Steven Moffat – a brilliant writer but terrible showrunner who takes great ideas and leads them nowhere much of the time – and with Peter Capaldi as a nasty, abrasive incarnation of the Doctor for who I have no love, it’s nice to head back to what I happily consider the greatest Doctor/companion pairing in recent memory – that of David Tennant’s jaunty but get the job done with time for a kipper Time Lord and the feisty take-no-prisoners Donna Noble (Catherine Tate).
Alas on TV they’re long gone, save for repeats; ah, but on audio it’s a whole other story thanks to Big Finish who announced last November that they were reuniting the hilarious pair in a series of new adventures, the first three of which, The Tenth Doctor Adventures, Volume One, feature three stories: Technophobia, by Matt Fitton, Time Reaver, by Jenny Colgan, and Death and the Queen by James Goss.
Out this May, they’re going to a wonderful return to golden Doctor Who days of yore. Who knows, I may even wear my rose-tinted glasses during the whole thing (and no, they won’t double as a sonic screwdriver; silly idea!)
I can’t wait for these radio dramas. I also am disappointed with the current season of Dr. Who and am hoping for a change of companion and doctor…writers….anything to get back the show I had grown to love.
I gave up on the current season 9 – what a mess. I also don’t care much for Capaldi’s rude, abrasive Doctor either – give my Tennant’s lovable but stern one any day thank you! Can’t wait for these dramas 🙂