Godzilla vs. Aquaman: Fantastically imaginative pop culture mash-ups

(image via Instagam (c) Jax Navarro aka plasticaction)

They’re called action figures but let’s be honest – most of the time, OK all of the time, unless you’re an imaginative five-year-old (probably not), they don’t do much more than just sit on your display shelves, giving you warm and fuzzy pop culture vibes.

But Instagrammer, Jax Navarro aka Plastic Action has found a way to bring them winningly to life, and have a lot of mash-up fun while he’s doing it.

Different characters from different franchises meet in Plastic Action’s richly-imagined, lusciously-lit world where Toy Story‘s Woody plays basketball with Mickey and Goofy and the dinosaurs and humans from Jurassic World relax on the court too.

In a year marked by all kinds of very serious stuff, this kind of cleverly playful artistry is exactly what we need.

As is being able to contemplate just who might win in an underwater face-off between Godzilla and Aquaman?

Or Woody and a very friendly but determined dog?

Have fun with all that musing, and when you’re done, or even if you’re not, check out more of Plastic Action’s imaginative work on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or at his website.

(source: Nerdist)


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