Inspired by the lines of the song written by Joe Raposo with Bruce Hart and Jon Stone, Sunny Day features the artwork of award-winning picture-book illustrators. Each spread features a different artist’s interpretation of the lyrics, resulting in a unique tribute to Sesame Street and the generations of children who have loved the show. Contributors include Ziyue Chen, Joe Mathieu, Tom Lichtenheld, Sean Qualls, Selina Alko, Emily Winfield Martin, Joey Chou, Kenard Pak, Rafael López, Pat Cummings, Brigette Barrager, Vanessa Brantley-Newton, Leo Espinosa, Mike Curato, Greg Pizzoli, and Dan Santat. (synopsis (c) EW)
I have been watching Sesame Street almost since its debut in 1969 (yes I am that old), and without exception, every time I take in an episode, the one thing guaranteed to put a great big smile on my face is the show’s theme song.
It’s bright, sunshiney and happy, a warm and welcoming invitation for the children whose education is why the show exists, especially marginalised kids without the same education access as their more mainstream counterparts, and it puts you in the kind of mood, even as an adult, that really does the sweep the clouds away.

As part of the show’s 50th anniversary celebrations, Random House, which is Sesame Street‘s original and oldest publishing partner, is releasing Sunny Day, a gorgeous book on 22 October, which features pages illustrated by a range of amazingly-talented artists, with jacket art, according to EW, “by Christian Robinson, the Caldecott Honor-winning illustrator of Last Stop on Market Street.”
Looking at the beautiful pages, two of which are published in this post, you can’t help but have the song spring joyfully and happily into your head, one of the few times an earworm is a thing to be embraced and celebrated.
“Sunny Day
Sweepin’ the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get?
How to get to Sesame Street”