Hamfam – a 25 page digital comic set within a dark, dangerous wasteland – following the exploits of a surreal and quirky pig!The World has ended, but the party has just begun!Hamfam is more than a pig, more than a place – it’s a way of life. Hamfam, a humanoid pig with eyes in his nose – balances his public personna as a general within a dystopian heirachy, with the need to continuously party. He shares this self-imposed mission with best friends Xeno and Dred, with an ever growing following of misfits and deviants.
Happiness is a creator with an off-the-wall imagination, quirky outlook and a willingness to push various artistic envelopes and seeing which way they bend, and how much fun we all have in the process.
Even better when this person/people, say the British team behind comic Hamfam about a partying militaristic pig, get crazy creative with a familiar premise such as a near-dystopian future, and then throw in some hilarious offbeat characters and storylines that dare you to take them seriously.
That’s near-nirvana if you’re looking for something that’s so out of the box it’s likely orbiting Saturn and so you can understand why I think I’m in love with the idiosyncratic, madcap brio of Hamfam.
While the creators, who currently have a Kickstarter out and about to get some backing for their bold creation, don’t give much away, the better to whet our jaded pop culture appetites for something completely different, they have dropped these snippets:
• Hamfam must walk a fine line between his role of strict authoritarian, within The Don’s New Nation and his messiah-like following as head of resistance.
• A powerful artefact, which legend has it is the lost disc to the greatest game never released has been located. However acquiring it will require a series of ever complicating trades within the lawless Skyscraper Metropolis.
• The God’s of the Damaged Realm are un-happy with the small village of Hamfam. Its inhabitants must fight to instill moral apathy, so their debaucherous way of life may continue.
Think this is right up your alley of off-the-wallness porcine fun? Then you support Hamfam’s Kickstarter and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
And hope that if dystopia ever descends upon us, that it’s as clever and gloriously silly as Hamfam’s beguilingly strange world.