If you think you know nature, think again – get ready to be surprised in Super/Natural

(courtesy official Disney Plus Twitter)

Discover the secret powers and super senses of the world’s most extraordinary animals with National Geographic, James Cameron and Benedict Cumberbatch. (synopsis courtesy official Disney Plus Twitter)

Nature is pretty damn amazing.

That’s obvious every time you step out the door and feel the wind on your face, the sun setting or rising or when you escape the city and discover how intricately alive the animals and plants with which we (very poorly) share our world are.

It also becomes every time you watch a natural history series such as the upcoming Super/Natural program from National Geographic which, while the trailer suggests it may suffer from the breathlessly overblown style that the venerable exploration society seem to favour in its documentaries, will once again show us why the natural world is so incredible and why we must double and triple our efforts to preserve it in all its diversity.

There’s something about losing yourself in a series like this that is good for the soul and while it may not be the same as actually getting out into nature, it is still a wonderful way to connect with the natural world so often drowned by car horns and industrial busyness, and maybe find yourself in the world from which we call came in the first place.

Super/Natural debuts on 21 September on Disney Plus.


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