It may come as a surprise to many but until this year the Eurovision Song Contest had never been broadcast in the USA.
Hard to believe but true.
Granted there is so much going on within America pop culture-wise that getting on the radar there can be an almost Herculean task.
But given the high levels of immigrants from Europe in the country – like Australia the USA is a high-immigrant, multicultural country – you would have expected Eurovision to have found favour in spectacle-loving America well before this.
However it is there now and behold Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show is very glad. But he wants to take things one very important step further, seeking to follow in Australia’s footsteps and compete in the song contest.
While it’s fairly obvious his tongue is quite firmly in cheek, it’s an intriguing idea, one he tries to whip up fervour for by explaining what Eurovision is to a largely perplexed US audience (he only whoops and hollers come from the few Europeans at the show’s taping) and by pointing to the USA’s cast-iron European credentials:
“Why can’t we compete? We’re the most European country in the world. We invented the Frappuccino and the G-string. We eat more pizza than Italy, and we’re this close to electing Benito Mussolini.” [he displays a photo of Donald trump]
To stoke the glitter-fuelled fires even further, he brings in Nornaz, clad in silvery finery and sunglasses to sing what could well be America’s entry to Eurovision.
We can only hope … in the meantime keep loving living the living life!
(source: SBS)
This was very inspired. I caught it on Youtube. Very well done 🙂