Why are we here? What makes us, us? and why didn’t we didn’t think of inventing the wheels that make puling along suitcases so much easier these days?
All very good questions, and all pondered to one degree or another by Stephen Colbert and Kermit in an segment on The Late Show called “Big Questions With Even Bigger Stars” which in the past has featured the likes of Bryan Cranston and Tom Hanks.
Reclining back on a picnic rug and looking up the stars, Kermit the Frog (promoting the newly-relaunched The Muppets) and Stephen the Person speculate on whether they’re being watched – let’s hope so; they’re on a TV program – and whether there’s such a thing as free will (a problematic issue for the average Muppet to be fair), and a host of other questions begging for an answer.
It’s deep, it’s philosophical and very, very funny.
And it might make you think about all kinds of deep things … and whether taking biology in high school is really a good idea for a frog.