I come across an extraordinary amount of songs as I graze across the vast new digital musical landscape but rarely does a song make me so euphorically, well, happy as Pharrell Williams new single, appropriately titled “Happy”.
It is a joy to listen to, to dance to, to put on when you’re doing something drudgerous like the ironing or washing up – I have yet to find a single domestic activity not given an extra layer of happiness with this bouncy bundle of dance-filled joy.
Lifted from the soundtrack to Despicable Me 2, which I unfortunately missed when it was in theatres, it is being pitched to Academy voters as a song worthy of their Oscar contemplation, and while if nominated it would likely be up against amazing songs from Disney’s Frozen and a host of dazzlingly original songs from The Great Gatsby, I fail to see how anyone couldn’t be moved by the joie de vivre gushing forth from this pop gem.

It is so good in fact that I could happily listen to it for 24 hours which is just as well because via 24 Hours of Happy, Pharrell Williams has loaded the world’s first 24 hour music video which allows you to check out a bunch of ecstatically happy dancers having the time of their lives, one for just about every moment of the day.
The best part is the song remembers where it left off when you left one time and restarts at the exact same place at the next time you choose.
And you can keep going for as long as you want to, which if you’re anything like me, will be quite some time.
Now if you’ll excuse me I am going to attempt all to watch 24 hours of the video without breaking into a silly, hands in the air, head thrown back, gigantic silly smile on my face endless dancing …
Nope, can’t be done …
Don’t care … I’m HAPPY!
Here’s the official dare-you-not-to-dance-your-feet-off-with-joy video …
And the lyric video for the song …
And here’s his gloriously joyful performance on The Ellen Show on Thursday 21 November 2013 …
And thanks to cinemablend.com, who tipped me off to the 24 Hours of Happy site – god bless you; you are the BEST site ever – here’s another joy-inducing clip courtesy of Girl Talk aka Greg Gillis which features one very happy young lady breaking out and dancing her walk across New York City in the trailer for Girl Walk All Day.
UPDATE (11 December 2013): Thanks to hypetrak.com, we now have a behind-the-scenes for “Happy” which features “co-directors We Are From L.A. [speaking] on how the concept for the video came together, and Pharrell [speaking] on his vision becoming a reality.”