The object of this series, which I am running in conjunction with my wonderful friend, Elle, who blogs at (well-written, entertaining and thoughtful articles on all things writing and blogging-oriented) is to grab a long-neglected unread book off our shelves, speculate on what we think the book’s about Continue Reading
Coming to a TV near you: 5 promising new season sitcoms #1
It’s that time of the year again! The current TV season is coming to a close and as the shows we know and love wrap it up for another year, some of them never to be seen again, a jostling crop of hopefuls is waiting in the wings ready Continue Reading
Weekend Pop Art #4: Zombies are everywhere
These days you could be forgiven for thinking that zombies are everywhere. So prevalent have the post-apocalytic undead become that they are starting to pop up in movies that never featured them in the first place and it’s thanks in part to the imaginative brilliance of one Matt Busch. Continue Reading
Come join the “Revolution” My current thoughts on a show I once spurned
Way back when J. J. Abrams’ latest hit TV series, Revolution, debuted in October 2012, I was initially underwhelmed by a show that, though armed with an imaginative, promising premise, seemed uncertain how best to execute on it. The pilot episode, which introduced us to a world where electricity Continue Reading
Now this is music #7: My 5 favourite songs of the week – Lindsey Stirling, Godwolf, Jagwar Ma, Emma Louise, Haerts
Much as I have loved my time in Eurovision-land, it is time to dive right back into the gloriously unceasing flow of music cascading past my ears on a daily basis. Some might all that new music a little overwhelming; I find it ridiculously exciting. a chance to discover new Continue Reading
“Goodnight Sweet Grimm” … well, it’s time to go … (review of season 2 final episode)
** SPOILERS AHEAD … AND ZOMBIES, LOTS OF ZOMBIES ** There are zombies in Portland! And not just any zombies. No, these are authentic voodoo-priest created zombies – the priest in question is a seemingly ageless Wesen called Baron Samedi (Reg E. Cathey), a Cracher-Mortel who spits a vile Continue Reading
Sneak peek: “Europa Report” trailer
MOVIE SYNOPSIS [A group of astronauts] embark on a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to investigate the possible existence of alien life within our solar system. When unmanned probes suggest that a hidden ocean could exist underneath Europa’s icy surface and may contain single-celled life, Europa Ventures, a privately funded Continue Reading
That’s a wrap! A review of the Eurovision 2013 Grand Final
I seem to have lost something. I had it for years, it served me well, and unerringly came to my aid when I need it the most, usually in May every year. What is this mysterious something? (And no, it is not Andrius Pojavis from Lithuania thanks for asking.) Continue Reading
Meet you at “The World’s End” (movie trailer + poster)
MOVIE SYNOPSIS 20 years after attempting an epic pub crawl, five childhood friends reunite when one of them becomes hell bent on trying the drinking marathon again. They are convinced to stage an encore by mate Gary King, a 40-year old man trapped at the cigarette end of his Continue Reading
Done and dusted: Eurovision 2013 Semi-Final #2 review
This was a night for great surprises. Great big shiny, gaudy, oddly-sung prizes in Dracula-esque outfits no less. And frankly I was wholly unprepared for them. That may sound like an odd thing to say when I have spent week upon glitter-saturated week listening to, thinking about and pontificating Continue Reading