Never have two news releases prompted so much fun with a headline. Well for this blog at least. On Monday, it was announced that one of the most loved stars in the world, Michael J Fox who has found fame on both the small and big screens is returning Continue Reading
Sonic Bliss #13: My favourite songs of the week
Time for another dive into the pools of musical goodness and see who has been creating beautiful music in the last little while. So sit back, strap on the headphones – memo to self: must get the ginormous ones so large that if they fell from my ears whole Continue Reading
“Husbands” season 2 premieres
Husbands is that rare beast of a sitcom. It is a side-splittingly funny satire, replete with more pop culture references that an attendee at Comic-Con, which also manages to be a political call to action for equality, all without being preachy or overly earnest. How does it manage this Continue Reading
Sneak peek: “Falling Skies”, final episode season 2
We have almost reached the final episode of season 2 and all I can say is that ten episodes go by so fast! But my haven’t the team behind Falling Skies used them well this season. The 2nd Mass. have successfully traversed the eastern seaboard of the USA, from Continue Reading
Saying goodbye to: “Eureka”
Eureka‘s final episode, which I watched with great reluctance purely because I simply didn’t want to say goodbye to such a clever, warm hearted show – you know the idea; if you haven’t watched the episode then has the show really ended? Alas it has – ended on a Continue Reading
Sitcoms: Not dead folks … just different
With a record 29 sitcoms being pitched for this year’s US fall TV pilot season, such as Go On and The Mindy Project, you could be excused for wondering why anyone would suggest that the sitcom is in terminal decline? But it wasn’t that long ago that commentators were Continue Reading
Movie review: The Bourne Legacy
*SOME SPOILERS BELOW* In this modern cynical age, it is a given that the world is rotten to the core, the structures of power and authority that govern it are hollowed out and corrupt, and those that work within it morally compromised beyond all redemption. It is a world Continue Reading
Movie review: “Pillow Talk”
I am not usually a subscriber to the adage that “they don’t make ’em like they used to” since I firmly believe that, while old movies/film/books are valuable parts of the pop culture canon, they are not the sum total of human creative expression, and are certainly not the Continue Reading
Amazing behind-the-scenes photos from TV shows
The wonderful folk at flavorwire, who have a genius for gathering together a whole host of things you never knew you wanted to see (and are so excited when you do), have pulled together some photos behind the scenes of some of our favourite TV shows past and present. While Continue Reading
Grimm: First look at season 2
Season 2 of Grimm is just days away from starting in the USA, post-Olympics, on Monday 13 August and to whet our appetites, NBC have released a first look video which gives some insight into what’s inshore for our favourite fantasy procedural team. The biggest news is the introduction Continue Reading