It’s a brave new digital world out there, and while traditional record companies are quaking in their boots, fearful and uncertain of what the future holds, quite a number of brave, independent artists are seizing the moment and crafting astonishingly successful careers without the vast apparatus of old behind Continue Reading
Thank you Donna Summer (1948 – 2012) for saving the last dance for us
Such sad news today. Donna Summer, who was the queen of disco at its height, died in Los Angeles Thursday US time of complications from lung cancer. At her height, Donna Summer reigned supreme, releasing hit after hit including “Hot Stuff”, “MacArthur Park”, “On the Radio” and the infamously Continue Reading
“Community” gets even more animated than usual in season finale
You have to hand it to the gang at Community. They are the most creative, innovative team in the TV industry. Not content with staying within standard sitcom boundaries, or even reality’s boundaries for that matter, they are constantly coming up with clever ways to tell a story and they’re Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision 2012: Week 7: The Final Countdown
Can you believe it’s been 7 weeks since I started reviewing all the funky chunky pop nuggets pouring forth from the bountiful goodness of Eurovision? Why yes… yes I can. Yes I know I am answering my own question and risk looking like a gibbering idiot who has inhaled Continue Reading
Bring out your TV show dead…
It’s the modern pop culture equivalent of the gathering up of the dead during the Black Death in the Middle Ages. Once a year all the major US TV networks gather in New York for what is called “upfront season” to announce which shows have survived the brutal contest for Continue Reading
ABBA: So that’s a “NO!” to reforming is it Bjorn?
So it’s official then. In this short five second sound clip from Bjorn, who was interviewed on Swedish radio mere days ago on 11 May, he makes it very clear that the band will never, ever reform. You can’t get much more definitive than he does, either in the choice Continue Reading
Pop culture overload
I saw this tweet the other day in my never ending onrushing stream that is my Twitter feed – blink and you will miss things! Hence my eyes are always open now… yes I need a constant supply of eye drops – and it resonated with me instantly. It’s exactly Continue Reading
Sonic Bliss #8: My favourite songs of the week
I am awash in an overflow of wonderful exuberant beautiful music. It’s been a few weeks since the last update and pop music waits for no one, releasing song after stellar song till my iPod threatened to crack open with the virtual strain (it is so melodramatic at times). So Continue Reading
Review: “Strangeland” – Keane
When Keane burst forth on to the music scene with Hopes and Fears in 2004, they met with almost instant success. Their brand of melodic piano-drive pop found a ready audience with people drawn to beautiful emotionally-rich pop. Tom Chaplin’s voice captured anguish and heartache so perfectly you imagined he Continue Reading
Perhaps you can judge a book by its cover after all
The wisdom of that age-old adage remains as true today as the day it leapt into popular use sometime in the early Twentieth Century. We all readily acknowledge that making a judgement on the worth of anything by external appearances only means that we could well miss out on something Continue Reading