In the lead up to the release of the new Muppets movie (a major event to eclipse all others for a guy like me who grew up watching the Muppets, on both TV and at the movies) in November, a number of musicians including Rachel Yamagata, OK Go and Continue Reading
The Help @ Dendy Cinemas, Newtown (Saturday 27 August)
The Help is one of the most moving, inspirational movies I have seen in quite some time. Set against the first stirrings of the civil rights era in the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi where for over a century black woman have been house slaves then maids (sadly in terms Continue Reading
Mixed Bag o’ Updates – Dr Who and Glee!
Yes I like to mix it up folks and here’s a doozy! Dr Who, time-traveller extraordinaire fighting against galactic evil, and Glee, all singing, all dancing and fighting societal evils. Yep a tenuous crossover, it’s true but it’s the best I can do right at this moment! DR WHO This Continue Reading
Thank You Eureka
Sad news today from the set of Eureka where it’s the beginning of the end of the show. After syfy’s shock cancellation of the show – the word had been that syfy would renew the show for a limited number of shows season 6 but instead they initially cancelled it Continue Reading
New season US TV Shows – Part 2
So there are more than 5 shows that have intrigued me? Well truth be told, the ones I featured in part 1 were my cream of the crop, A plus picks and time will tell how soothsayer-like my pop culture sensibilities are. Sometimes I jumped onto the zeitgeist bandwagon with Continue Reading
Crackle Me a TV Show! GAY TOWN
I have been reading for years about web-based TV shows that are typically 5-10 minutes in length per episode, usually appeal to a very narrow niche fan base (which they can do since ratings aren’t a concern) and are usually creatively fast and loose, pushing boundaries in terms of content Continue Reading
Torchwood : Miracle Day
I have loved Torchwood since I rushed to see it’s first episode the moment the good folks at Dr Who announced they were doing the first of what’s become a flood of spin offs (most not aimed at my demographic, sometimes not even Dr Who it seems these days, thank Continue Reading
EUREKA! My new favourite quirky comedic drama!
So usually I am an early adopter right? Not in terms of my use of technology, which usually runs along the lines of ‘I am aware of it but will wait for the no-bugs second generation thank you’; but in my eagerness to listen to the latest music, check out Continue Reading
Paul Lockyer (ABC Australia journalist) – RIP
Today one of the finest journalists I have ever seen in action – balanced, articulate and evocative without being sensationalist – died in a helicopter crash last evening, along with his crew, John Bean and Gary Ticehurst. he will be sorely missed in an era of lazy, sloppy journalism for being Continue Reading
Coldplay has a new album a-comin’!
I am thrilled and excited in a way that used to happen way back when I was a kid and ABBA were getting ready to release a new album. While I love the depth and breadth of music I listen to right now, one thing I miss is the thrill Continue Reading