It’s a great time to be alive my friends.
Not just because of the, you know, “alive” part of which very few negative things can be said (apart from the existence of Reality TV and the continuing prevalence of raw tomato in salads), but, and this is also important, the way technology has given creative people the world over the chance to do gob-smackingly-amazing things and to share it with the rest of us (for which we are eternally grateful).
One such insanely talented person is Phil Postma, an imaginative character designer and illustrator from Ottawa in Canada who among many other delightfully quirky projects has taken it upon himself to imagine what Kirk, Spock and the rest of the intrepid boldly going etc etc original Star Trek crew would look like if the good folk at Pixar got their hands on them.
The results are beyond impressive and I am also wishing that as well as this year’s Star Trek: Into Darkness, that I had a Pixar-inspired Star Trek movie hitting the cinemas too.
Who knows?
When he is done imagining Star Trek and yes Star Wars (also on his blog – check them out!) – clearly J. J. Abrams who’s about helm the new Star Wars sequels after two Star Trek movies took his cues from Phil – perhaps we can persuade him, Paramount and Pixar to join together in an awesomely creative alliance and bring this to our screens?
Or at the very least a website near you. (Yeah, yeah I know technically they all are.)

*Oh, and yes I know I used a Star Trek Next Generation catchphrase for an article on original Star Trek; it’s called poetic license and I am using it to justify everything!