She’s so rebellious: Jyn Erso gets her parody on in Rogue One parody trailer #MayThe4thBeWithYou

(image via YouTube (c) Artspear Entertainment)


Rogue One, as those who saw the standalone Star Wars film that told the tale of the many brave people who sacrificed a great deal the plans for the first Death Star that was blown to smithereens in A New Hope, it is a grim film.

Peppered by some genuinely funny moments, highly-engaging characters, and sweeping immersive, action-oriented narrative than is more war film that anything else, but grim, undeniably, in your face, grim.

So it may not be the first film you think of to parody but then you are not the inspired people at Artspear Entertainment who saw in the story of Jyn Erso and her motley crew, the perfect story for some mirth-inducing parodying.

There’s fiendishly clever reverse psychology, poor choices made at parties where droids were present, odd droid legs and poor names for rebel teams … and flagrant droidism.

It’s hilarious, affectionate parodying that gives Rogue One the kind of levity you never thought it would have.


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