Turducken for one, anyone?
For sure, but only if you’ll “Drink with me/ ’cause I hate my family” …
It seems like a fair swap, especially in the midst of the crazy frenetic, brain-melting busyness of the festive season when all the stresses of life seem to be distilled down into endless over-catered meals adorned by pilgrim hats, tinsel and the twinkling lights of the menorah, depending on your holiday of choice.
Jimmy Fallon and Rashinda Jones know exactly how it all feels and they give hilarious vent to all the fun, excesses and insanity of the season in the third instalment of what has become an annual tradition where they turn popular songs of the last year into holiday parodies, in the process telling it like it is.
This years songs by Sam Smith (“Stay With Me”), Meaghan Trainor (“All About That Bass”), Dj Snake and Lil Jon (“Turn Down For What”) and Idina Menzel (“Let It Go”, Frozen) and a few others made the cut and much fun, merriment and amusingly cutting social commentary was had by all.
It’s an instant holiday classic, or anti-holiday classic and worth a little seditious singing along too, even if it does get you on Santa’s naughty list #totallyworthit