In this week’s hilarious episode of The Big Bang Theory – no that isn’t being cocky; it will be and you know it – Sheldon comes ridiculously close to acting like a normal human being when he thanks Penny for her help the night before.
But at the last minute, just when he’s made Penny’s day, and she is walking (quote unexpectedly) on cloud nine, he veers away and it’s business-as-usual.
Which is pretty much what you’d expect to happen but it’s funny watching it play out.
As is Sheldon inability to resist giving into his OCD compulsions when he has to knock three times on the door – he weaves it not-so-subtlely into the conversation to Penny’s growing bemusement – after Penny opens the door just as he walks up to it.

Meanwhile Koothrapali, who only just recently looked to be on his way to love true love, or at least the Valentine’s Day party equivalent of it, has been left so traumatised by a date that he refuses to leave the apartment.
Here’s hope he recovers quickly from his broken heart, which no doubt will be played for all the laughs possible (with a little TLC thrown in too I hope, poor guy).
Hopefully love does beckon for the only single member of the group, and one where he doesn’t need alcohol to get through it.
The episode screens 8pm EST on Thursday 21 February 2013 (US time).