Thank you for being a Super Golden Friend: What happens when superheroes retire and move to Miami

(image via YouTube (c) Kevin Bapp)

What happens when four superfriends retire and move to Miami to share a ranch style home? This is a pilot I’d like to propose to Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, if I knew anyone who worked there, and if all the licenses could be obtained. (synopsis via Laughing Squid)

It appears that even superheroes grow old.

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking they’re “super” and “heroes” and surely that means they can stop the ominously ticking hands of time?

And yet, as New York artist Kevin Bapp makes gloriously and imaginatively clear in Super Golden Friends, his creative riff on The Golden Girls meets Super Friends, time respects no one, clad in lycra or not, and so as Superman, Batman, Aquaman and Robin age, they must some thought into how they’ll cope with their diminished twilight years.

As solutions go, it’s a pretty cool one that comes complete with a fabulous theme song.

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2 thoughts on “Thank you for being a Super Golden Friend: What happens when superheroes retire and move to Miami

  1. I adored and loved this so much. I hope someone does actually make it – would we actually ever stop laughing?

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