The short and the short of it: Gnome and the trouble with bothersome noise

(courtesy Blender Artists (c) Sacha Goedegebure)

Our PG rated short film is an unexpected tale of a Gnome returning home from a day of collecting nuts and finding a caterpillar struggling to reach for leaves outside his house. The good-natured gnome helps the caterpillar and gives it some leaves to gnaw on. But when it’s bedtime for the gnome, he only needs to deal with the gnawing sound. (courtesy Omens Studios YouTube channel)

Subversion of initial, and indeed enduring, expectations is always a welcome part of any piece of storytelling.

In Gnome, writer-director Sacha Goedegebure presents us with what is, to all appearances, a sweet story about the titular character, who lives in a cosy circular home in a tree, helping a hungry caterpillar reach leaves that are just out of reach.

Kindness enacted and compassion given. Big tick!

But then night falls, the gnome, weary from a big day’s work, wants to sleep but all he can is his new friend chowing down on the stack of leaves cut down for him … what to do? WHAT TO DO?

What happens next gorgeously and hilariously subverts any ideas of what you might think happens next, and it’s a masterclass in storytelling in just under four perfectly judged minutes.

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