A short tale set in London’s bustling, yet desolate Trafalgar Square about an ancient, rather hungry Corpse and … a Pigeon. Voiced by Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Pirates of the Carribean) and Stephen Mangan (Green Wing), the film is a tale of companionship but also a textual imprint of a dark, monochrome London London from the perspective of a still, solitary protagonist.Produced as part of the first year of the Collabor8te short film funding scheme, The Hungry Corpse is a result of a fond collaboration between scriptwriter James Pout and Royal College of Art alumni animator Gergely Wootsch. The film was produced by beakus in London and screened at festival throughout 2013. (official synopsis via The Hungry Corpse)
Friendship makes life worth living.
Or if you’re a corpse, worth being a whole less grumpy about being NOT alive.
It takes a while for the Corpse of the title to realise that his persistent Pigeon shadow is exactly the friend he needs, especially after one of his eyes rolls out of his head to parts unknown.
The Pigeon too, whose a delightfully friendly fellow, knows he needs a friend which is why he hangs around when the Corpse is being, let’s put it politely, a little difficult.
It’s a joyous, wonderfully sweet film that manages to make a profoundly meaningful statement about friendship and belonging, warming your heart, and your cold pigeon feathers (should you have them), as it does so.
(source: Laughing Squid)