The short and the short of it: The wondrous discovery of The Dandelion (Little Margo Stories)

(courtesy YouTube (c) Little Largo Stories)

As we get older, we all too often lose sight of what it is to discover something for the first time.

All that wonder and thrill of discover ebbs away and we’re left feeling like we’ve seen it all before and that nothing will truly surprise us again.

But in The Dandelion, part of the luminously lovely and charmingly sweet Little Margo Stories, created by Parinaz Shajareh, we get to live the passion of discovery all over again through the experience of the series’ titular character who, in this case, finds out how delightful and waftily enjoyable dandelions can be.

We might simply blow the feathery, wispy seed fluffs of the stalk and walk on, thinking nothing more of it, but Little Margot is entranced and watching her find out what a dandelion is in just two minutes of escapist, delight-filled reverie, is one of the most wonderful things you will see at the start of this year.

In fact, it’s near impossible to watch this without feeling like a weight has been lifted from you, and the Little Margo Stories, about a “A little mole named Margo … curious and inquisitive about the world … explores her underground home”, gives us back anticipation and joy and the exquisite sense that life can be wondrously new and discoverable all over again.

Watch all five entries.

And here’s the latest Little Margo Stories where snow is encountered for the first time …

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