I think we can all agree that the inclusion of LEGO in just about every endeavour in life makes them all better (and naturally, AWESOME), simply by the sheer presence of those joyfully-anarchic coloured bricks.
That includes, and honestly this is a miracle given how odious airline travel can be, inflight safety videos which I normally watch out of a sense of “I’d better pay attention in case the plane crashes” obligation than any driving belief in the scintillating entertainment value contained within (of course, there is usually generally, and lamentably, none).
While Air New Zealand has magically found a way to make these videos actually watchable, and become the gold standard for all airlines to follow in the process, Turkish Airlines has upped the ante considerably, offering up a LEGO-fied inflight safety video that’s got the info and lots of fun to boot, with Emmet (Chris Pratt) and Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks) from The LEGO Movie hosting a cavalcade of important info and silliness starring the likes of Wonder Woman, Batman, Joker, Robin and Princess Unikitty who delivers an earworm-worthy song that’s just what you need on a long flight.
I’m not sure the video makes me want to catch Turkish Airlines necessarily but should I ever find myself one of their flights, I can rest reassured that both my safety-conscious and my woohoo! inner child will find themselves equally thrilled.
At least at the beginning of the flight …