I love those random moments in life when you decide to do one thing instead of the other – for the record I was supposed to starting the next module of my online Photoshop course and chose to graze down my Facebook timeline instead; best procrastinating ever! – and you come across something entirely wonderful and unexpected that lights up your day.
In this case, I stumbled across this delightful mash-up of Scooby Doo and Firefly by talented artist James Hance, an Englishman who, in his own words, “defected to the dark side… [and is] now living in the sunny state of Florida” where he is producing vibrantly fun art that takes pop culture characters we know and love and give them a whole other gloriously wonderful world to play in.
Hence you have mash-ups of Stars Wars and Winnie the Pooh, Pixar’s UP and Star Wars, Ironman and The Wizard of Oz, and the wonder and the joy of it all!, Calvin and Hobbes and Doctor Who.

The real genius of every single one of these mash-ups is that they look like they belong together, as if they have always been joined as one, perfectly united gems of pop culture brilliance.
Looking through poster after poster, all of which I want to own (and will, mark my words!), I am entranced by the sheer joy and unbounded imagination in every single piece of art, heartily agreeing with another line in his site’s bio that, “Luckily he’s feeding on our smiles and pumping out pure joy.”
That he is, and you would do well to check out his amazing work at either his USA site jameshance.com, or his UK site jameshance.co.uk, where you can order as many of his prints of his art as your walls will hold.
Go on – you could do with a smile of unfettered pop culture glee!