Japanese mom Etoni Mama turns fried and boiled eggs into adorable cartoon characters. Etoni Mama is also a culinary artist in her own right and a published author.The title is “Saiji-ki Foods For Children” This book is full of recipes that offer a fun and delicious take on seasonal and holiday dishes that pass on Japan’s food customs and culture to children. (synopsis via Laughing Squid)
Here is all the proof you need that breakfast doesn’t have to be a drab, featureless affair.
Especially when you are talented as Etoni Mama and can turn eggs, which let’s face it are yummy and nutritious but not usually the culinary belles of the visual ball, into works of pop culture art.
They are to use my 30 plus-years-olds Japanese “totemo kawaii” and honestly are so gorgeous that eating them is almost a crime.
But eat you shall, happy that you have a such delicious food and that you got to spend breakfast with such adorable cartoon company.