Unless you’ve been living under Luddite’s pet rock, far from entertainment news of any kind, you will know that Doctor Who turns 50 this year!
(The show that is, which premiered on 23 November 1963 with William Hartnell in the titular role, not the man himself who is at least 900 years old, possibly older … or younger.)
And to celebrate the BBC has all kinds of treats in mind including a 75 minute long 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor which is scheduled to air on 23 November, 50 years to the day since the first episode.
It stars the 11th Doctor Matt Smith (who departs the show in this year’s possibly Cybermen-starring Christmas special), 10th Doctor David Tennant, Jenna Coleman who plays current companion Clara, with Billie Piper (Rose Piper, companion to the 9th and 10th Doctors) and John Hurt.
“’The Day of the Doctor’ is nearly here!” says Smith, quoted on comingsoon.net. “Hope you all enjoy. There’s lots more coming your way, as the countdown to the 50th begins now.'”
Now while these trailers aren’t exactly the longest promo trailers in the world – you’ll need to jump back and forth in time over and over since they’re over in a flash. Have your TARDIS at the ready! – they do at least succeed in amping up the already considerable anticipation for this most epic of specials for one of the most iconic shows on TV.