Rip’d from the pages of my childhood: Bottersnikes and Gumbles by S. A. Wakefield

(cover image courtesy Penguin Australia) SNAPSHOT Set in the landscape of the Australian bush the stories recount a series of conflicts between the lazy, destructive Bottersnikes and good-natured, hardworking Gumbles. Inspiration for the series came from the emerging environmental movement. The two species were intended to represent opposing attitudes towards Continue Reading

Songs songs and more Australia Day songs: KAIIT, Carmouflage Rose, Eilish Gilligan, Samsurah, Jesswar

Australia’s national day is not without controversy. Situated since 1994 on 26 January when European settlement of Australia began, displacing an indigenous people who had been on the continent for 60,000 years, the day is increasingly seen as marking invasion rather than a celebration of nationhood, with calling to #changethedate Continue Reading