What an odd movie. I mean truly odd. Watching it felt like we’d entered the cinema late and missed the beginning, and then someone forget to tack the end onto it. Now I need to say straight off that I like movies that are more experience-driven than narrative-driven, since Continue Reading
Movie review: Meek’s Cutoff
Movie review: Super 8 / Bridesmaids
Super 8 I loved this movie! It promised a return to feel good 1970s family movies with a 21st Century knowing postmodern edge and it didn’t fail to deliver. Media wunderkind, JJ Abrams of LOST and Alias fame, continues to show that spending his childhood in the 70s making Continue Reading
My new favourite Coldplay songs!
I adore Coldplay! I know some hip snobsters sneer at their mainstream-ness but being the sort of person that rejects snobbery in any and every form, and abhors people who elevate high art over low art – arbitary subjective delineations if ever there was some! – but I love their Continue Reading
Movie review: Water For Elephants and X Men : First Class
Two great movies but vastly different. WATER FOR ELEPHANTS is a movie that surprised me completely. I had expected a love story, set in a Depression-era circus travelling across the United States, and while that is in part, largely what I saw, it was also a movie with great cruelty Continue Reading
Hey Dee Dee B!
Dee Dee Bridgewater in concert – Sydney Opera House – Saturday 28 May 2011 Wow! I am not an R & B or Jazz aficionado, and was only here because my R & B devoted Fahmi bought tickets to the concert for my gorgeous guy and I so we could Continue Reading
Going Troppo Over Gaga?
Lots of people are, and with a new CD out, the excitement levels only bound to spike still higher. Lady Gaga, who’s music I quite like, has quite the talent for re-invention and creativity, much like the woman who’s career she models herself on, Madonna, and in the lead up Continue Reading
Movie review: Thor
My lord it’s been a mainstream movie fest this week! Usually I avoid a lot of these big tentpole blockbusters, not because I am some sort of twisted movie snob preferring only movies about suffering Romanian peasants during the Depression – although that could be kind of gripping….or not – Continue Reading
Movie review: Scream 4
I am not a fan of slasher flicks generally. It’s not the fear of what might happen next that truly bothers me, although I appreciate that is largely what draws most people to them. No, the reason I avoid them like a, um, serial killer, is that the thought of Continue Reading
Movie review: My Afternoons With Margueritte
I love French movies. Well, now I do. Hated them at high school when the only ones I saw were weird, odd, or badly put together. But modern French movies have struck a chord with me, and from the delights of Amelie, to the darker story of The Hedgehog, I Continue Reading