If you have even one romantic bone in your body, and I’m guessing there must be than one unless your heart is concrete and your soul solid granite, put aside any notions that you have looking at the cover of Check, Please! (Book #1: #Hockey) by the supremely-talented Ngozi Ukazu. Continue Reading
Comics review: Supers – A Little Star Past Cassiopeia by Frédéric Maupomé & Dawid
One of the greatest gifts that the creator of any comic book can give a reader is to present their creation as a fully-formed entity with a minimum of exposition. There’s nothing wrong with exposition per se, of course; the key thing is that it must be done well or Continue Reading
Comics review: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
One of the great delights of a being an omnivorous reader is the delight you experience when a piece of work that initially presents as one thing turns out to be quite another. Or both, all at once. Nimona is one of those delightful surprises, the work of Noelle Stevenson, Continue Reading
Comics review: Goldie Vance
As a kid, one of my favourite things in the world was to curl up on the couch, or spread-eagled on the floor, and read mystery novels. Anything from The Hardy Boys through to Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators through to the Dana Girls, and much later all 87 Agatha Continue Reading
Comics review: The Avant-Guards (issues 1-3)
People love new starts. Well, the idea of them anyway; the actual execution is not as popular, coming as it does with nerves (those butterflies sure can fly some impressively-jarring formations in your stomach), hang-ups, past issues and the daunting fear that what lies ahead may not be a good Continue Reading
Comics review: Haphaven
One of life’s great pleasures, especially after a lifetime spend taking in stories in all kinds of forms, whether it’s through books, TV shows, movies or graphic novels, is coming across a story so breathtakingly-original and imaginative that you are almost leaping out of your chair with the thrill of Continue Reading
Going to the Chapel and we’re going … to meet a gang of bank-robbing Elvises?
SNAPSHOT The upcoming romantic action-comedy series follows the unfortunate nuptials of Emily Anderson, a bride-to-be who wasn’t necessarily convinced everything would go well even before her big day was interrupted by a gang of Elvis-themed bank robbers looking for a quick getaway. (synopsis (c) Hollywood Reporter) “Love is the ultimate Continue Reading
Outer space in 2D: The Orville gets its very own comic book
SNAPSHOT The first of these “episodes” starts with The Orville #1: New Beginnings Part 1 (of two). On their way to a fleet conference, Ed and Gordon investigate a distress signal from a century-old buoy belonging to a Union ship. Back on the Orville, Kelly tries to mediate when Bortus Continue Reading
Comics review: Nuclear Winter
Ordinarily, an apocalyptic event like a nuclear winter wouldn’t form a lasting premise for a quirky, character-based comic that surges with wit, whimsy and more than a little action (much of it on ski-doos as it happens). But in Nuclear Winter (Hiver nucléaire) by Montreal-based artist Caroline Breault, known by Continue Reading
Wonder Twins powers … activate! (comic preview)
SNAPSHOT Exiled from their home planet, alien heroes Zan and Jayna must navigate life as teens on Earth at South Metropolis High School, where they’re even bigger outsiders than the typical awkward young adults. Under the watchful eye of Superman, the brother and sister pull monitor duty at the Hall Continue Reading