Darth Vader and Frodo: Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings fan-made teaser trailer

(image (c) Alex Luthor)
(image (c) Alex Luthor)


If you think Frodo had his hands full with Sauron and his black power-obsessed minions, then ponder how busy he, Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf and assorted other Hobbits might have been if Darth Vader had decided to invade the fair lands of The Shire and its neighbours?

Might have been a whole other kettle of Gollum-chomped on fish right?

In filmmaker Alex Luthor‘s perfectly-executed mash-up of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, we are given ringside seats to just how different it all would have been, and who might have come out on top.

The trailer, makes as you might expect, for some fun, and thought-provoking viewing?

Is the One Ring all that and a bucket of humanity-enslaving chips when there’s AT-ATs and Star Destroyers gunning for your positions? And would Darth Vader even care for such flashy power-acquisitive bling?

So many questions, and why the trailer doesn’t supply all the answers, it makes you hope that one day, one fine day, some power player in Hollywood might look around and wonder “What if?”

Failing that, we have Star Wars: The Force Awakens roaring up to meet us at light speed in just a few months, and countless hours, several lifetimes worth of viewing in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit franchises.

We should be all for now but Hollywood? Get a-moving! box office splendour awaits your mash-up should you choose to make it.


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