I like to think of myself as a fairly dedicated viewer of The Eurovision Song Contest.
After all, I review every single song entered for a particular year’s contest, blog about them with as much wit and insight as I can muster and host a party with my boyfriend and a very good friend of mine every year to which a dedicated group of friends turn up without fail.
So, you know, dedicated.
However, my dedication to the contest pales considerably next to someone like Swedish vlogger Alexandro Kröger Degerfeldt, who has worked on the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, who spends a significant amount of time recreating each year’s Eurovision in LEGO through his Eurovision With Toys project.
Yes LEGO, the bright, colourful Danish building blocks that were once the province of children only but are now often an artform in themselves.
Certainly Degerfeldt does an extraordinarily good job recreating everything from the extended voting which consumes a fair amount of each year’s broadcast to the performances of winner’s such as Sweden’s Loreen who took the prize in 2012.
It redefines dedication to the Eurovision cause in spectacularly impressive fashion, an effort that deserves a douze points if ever there was one.
(source: SBS Eurovision)
Brilliant ?