Who, as a child, didn’t love a lovely relaxing bedtime story right before you went off to join the Sandman in the Land of Nod?
(A scary guy in himself, the very idea of whom gave me the heebie-jeebies as a child; neither he nor the land he inhabits actually sounds all that rest-inducing frankly.)
Everyone you would imagine … except posits Mashable’s The Watercooler YouTube channel, the good, sword-wielding children of Westeros who don’t want to be bothered with the sort of namby-pamby delightfully warm-and-fuzzy stories about happily ever afters that litters the usual bedtime story fare.
No, what these violence-prone youngsters apparently lap up is not something like the classic much-loved nighttime story book Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd with cows and cherubs flitting their way to the magical realms of dreamlands but blood-soaked tales of direwolves ripping out peoples’ throats, severed heads falling, treacherous whores and daggers, White Walkers and dragons setting cities ablaze …
Oh and good night George R. R. Martin who needs all the sleep he can get so he can finish the “f**king books”!