Dave and Sarah, from Notts in the UK, are dedicated cat owners of Tara and Willow and the hosts of a weekly pub quiz where, not surprisingly, a movie question or two pops up.
Now anyone can ask a question about a particular film, but how much more would be, reasoned Dave and Sarah to give an extra feline twist to their questions via Instagram.
As the couple told Love Meow:
“We host a pub quiz every few weeks, so we started doing it for the film/TV round, and we enjoyed it so much we decided to keep doing it as a regular quiz question.
“The cats clearly think we’re weird, but they get loads of treats doing it which tends to be their main focus.”
The impressive part is that their cats play at all, given that cats, unlike their more canine pet counterparts tend to take a dim view of coercion, however well rewarded.
Clearly. though Dave and Sarah have the magic touch.
Now meow for the cameras will you Tara and Willow? Good kittehs.
(source: Laughing Squid)

Love it!!
Isn’t it fun? Love their imagination!