Orogonia: A timelapse journey through the majesty and beauty of Europe’s mountain ranges

(image courtesy Vimeo (c) Enrique Pacheco)

Orogonia is an award-winning timelapse film by Spanish filmmaker Enrique Pacheco that takes a wondrous journey through the mountains of the European highlands while contemplating their long history. (synopsis via Laughing Squid)

Encompassing the stunning scenery of seven countries, Orogonia by Spanish filmmaker Enrique Pacheco not only look stunningly beautiful but comes with a poetic soul too.

“A philosophical journey passing through the stunning scenery of boundless European highlands, and leading to the heart of the deepest yearning of humankind.”

It is a wholly lovely way to look at already beautiful scenery which is breathtaking in its grandeur and majesty.

Orogonia is eight minutes of overwhelmingly immersive natural beauty and thoughtful ruminations on what it all means and it soothes the soul in ways that will make you feel better about life, and the world as a whole.

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