Jack the Giant Slayer, directed by X-men’s Brian Singer, is set to bring the fairytale of Jack and the Beanstalk to the big screen in suitably epic fashion. In keeping with the tendency of modern effects-laden blockbusters to modernise and amplify the original tale, Jack (played by Nicholas Hoult, Continue Reading
Movie review: “The Sex of the Angels” (Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival)
Love, it is often said, is forever. And while that much-quoted truism is taken as a given in director Xavier Villaverde’s film El Sexo de Los Angeles (translated as The Sex of the Angels on the official Mardi Gras program or slightly less literally as Angels of Sex on the trailer), Continue Reading
Pixar re-imagining the original “Star Trek”? Make it so.
It’s a great time to be alive my friends. Not just because of the, you know, “alive” part of which very few negative things can be said (apart from the existence of Reality TV and the continuing prevalence of raw tomato in salads), but, and this is also important, Continue Reading
Sneak peek: ‘The Monster Isolation’ (“The Big Bang Theory”)
In this week’s hilarious episode of The Big Bang Theory – no that isn’t being cocky; it will be and you know it – Sheldon comes ridiculously close to acting like a normal human being when he thanks Penny for her help the night before. But at the last Continue Reading
The joy eclectic: Take 2 episodes of “Fringe” (S5), and add 2 episodes of “Suburgatory” (S2) … and watch
PLUS One of the many joys of the current golden age of television, which may or may not have ended depending on who you listen to – no prizes for guessing where I stand on the issue – is the insanely large variety of shows on offer. Continue Reading
A very moving poster from “Star Trek: Into Darkness”
Whoosh! Movie posters are on the move, quite literally, with Paramount leading the way with a, dare I say, futuristic – a wonky term at the best of times since if something doesn’t happen right now or in the past, it is by definition “futuristic” but I am going Continue Reading
“The Walking Dead”: Episode 10 ‘Home’ (review)
* Spoilers ahead * Kaboom! That deafening sound you just heard was the last of whatever passes for peace in the god forsaken, walker-infested apocalypse that the ragged remnants of humanity call home, shattering it into a million jagged, bloodied pieces. It was not so much that we didn’t Continue Reading
Farewell Richard Briers, a man who lived a very good life indeed
For anyone growing up in the 70s and 80s, with even a passing affinity for British sitcoms, which were by anyone’s reckoning experiencing a golden age of sorts, it was hard to miss the irrepressible presence of Richard Briers. Through series like The Good Life and Ever Decreasing Circles, Continue Reading
Sneak peek: If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a “Dark Skies” surprise
I am not normally someone who even contemplates watching a horror movie. While my housemate happily watches all manner of frightening films, sometimes before bed which even he admits is not the wisest course of action, I wisely steer away from them largely because (a) I hate being scared Continue Reading
All that glitters is Oscar: This year’s amazing Academy Awards poster
I am duly impressed. Rightly or wrongly, most people have an impression of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the august body behind the Academy Awards (this year’s event is on Sunday 24 February US time, hosted by Seth MacFarlane) as a staid body that values Continue Reading