I am not a massive fan of hype. Odd you may think since we extrovert creative types generally all the over boiled melodrama we can get our hands on, feast on it for months till the marrow is all sucked dry, and then moe on to the next over wrought Continue Reading
Movie review: Hereafter #StGeorgeOpenAir
This is an intense movie…. but also a curiously un-involving one. The first part is to be expected given it’s subject matter of death and the after life, and for the most part the movie succeeds in not letting the emotionally heavy subject matter drag it’s narrative into a melancholic mire. Continue Reading
Movie review: True Grit
What a wonderful movie. I have often had a difficult time with Coen Brothers movies – enjoying how articulate and clever they are, and enjoying immensely the great subtle (or not so subtle) wit they bring to their creations but also finding their odd take on things a little Continue Reading
Movie review: Please Give #StGeorgeOpenAir
This was the first of my Open Air Cinema movies for the year – the Open Air Cinema is, as it’s name suggests, a cinema in the great outdoors; well not so much the great outdoors as it is Mrs Macquarie’s Chair in Sydney’s Botanic Gardens but it doesn’t Continue Reading
The Sweet Ethereal Sounds of Holly Miranda
What a cool performer. She walked onto the small stage of The famous Spiegeltent, to give it’s full grand title, in Hyde Park, Sydney, and while quiet and unassuming with a spoken voice barely above a whisper, she commanded attention straight away, her normally quiet folk pop given some extra Continue Reading
Making a Nuclear Plant From String and a Tin Can
I am pretty sure you can’t really do that, but McGyver can! Home from work today recuperating from all the crazy dental work I had done yesterday, I switched on GO! while I ate my scrambled eggs and pudding (not together, although possibly not completely gross), and while I dismantled Continue Reading
Movie review: King’s Speech
What a marvelous movie. I had heard all the hype, read all the glowing reviews, and with actors of the calibre of Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter (playing, with great believability, a ‘normal’ character, for once; not that I don’t like her weird oddball characters which Continue Reading
Movie review: Tron Legacy
In my general day to day life blog, I posed the question of whether you can go back and truly enjoy movie or TV shows from your past, and by past, I mean, dim, dark childhood past? Some shows such as Charlie’s Angels or Hart To Hart, while revealed for the frothy Continue Reading
You Ain’t Nothing But a Heartbreaker
I love French movies. Let’s get that out of the way from the get go. Perhaps it stems from studying French for six years at high school, or my enduring love of French pastries (unlikely that an unhealthy preoccupation with almond croissants would lead to an appreciation of French artistic Continue Reading
The 7th Dose of Harry Potter…..Mamma Mia!
HP7 + ABBA reforming?