Welcome to Marwen tells the miraculous true story of one broken man’s fight as he discovers how artistic imagination can restore the human spirit. When a devastating attack shatters Mark Hogancamp (Carell) and wipes away all memories, no one expected recovery. Putting together pieces from his old and new life, Mark meticulously creates a wondrous town where he can heal and be heroic. As he builds an astonishing art installation—a testament to the most powerful women he knows—through his fantasy world, he draws strength to triumph in the real one. Welcome to Marwen is directed by iconic American filmmaker Robert Zemeckis, director of many films including Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Contact, Cast Away, Forrest Gump, The Polar Express, Beowulf, Flight, The Walk, and Allied. (synopsis via First Showing)
Look, Welcome to Marwen could go one of two ways.
Based on a true story – take a look at Slash Film for the full story – it could either be a redemptive tale of the power of friendship and love in the face of horrific trauma (which is how I saw it, finding it all rather original and touching) or it could be a really strange take on the aftermath of a life-endangering event.
Frankly, I’m inclined to go with the former.
It’s an audacious concept in lots of ways, and unique in so many ways which is a rare thing in Hollywood these days and must be supported but the trailer rings true, carrying with it, for me at least, a great deal of emotional resonance.
Welcome to Marwen opens 21 December USA, 1 January 2019 UK and 10 January 2019 Australia.