Well hello Admiral Ackbar! Find out where some of Star Wars most fantastical creatures are born #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay

One of Gustav Hogan’s creations, the head of Maz Kanata made, made her first appearance in the first film of the final trilogy of The Skywalker Saga

Do you know where Star Wars most Fantastical creatures are born? Well a lot of its weirdest and most wonderful characters come to life in a South London workshop and Gustav Hogan is the man behind them…Gustav’s been making monsters for three decades and he’s taking a look back at his creations. (courtesy Laughing Squid)

There’s indeed something magical about the world of Star Wars.

It lets you escape completely and absolutely into a galaxy far, far away and a long time ago, and it does so with, among other things, some fearsomely good world-building.

One man who’s made a major contribution to making the places and races and creatures of the franchise is Gustav Hogan, a man who fell in love with George Lucas’s creations when he saw Return of the Jedi when he was a kid, and who then set about trying to create as many fantastical creatures as he could from whatever he could.

His passionate tinkering has led to a career that has given birth to all kinds of well-known Star Wars characters and which has allowed him to become a part of what makes this most magical of franchises come affectingly and thrillingly to life.

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