SNAPSHOT Mr. Roosevelt follows a young comedian named Emily (Wells), who leaves Los Angeles for her hometown of Austin after the titular character falls ill. There, she winds up rooming with the ex-boyfriend (Nick Thune) she dumped to move to L.A. — and his seemingly flawless new girlfriend, Celeste Continue Reading
Book review: The Lost Time Accidents by John Wray
Time is one of those concepts we like to think we have a handle on. We know we can’t stop its progress, it goes by too fast (usually; although it can also go by far too slowly when we’re at the coalface of work or on a particularly boring Continue Reading
BOO & HISS: Paul Dini’s amusingly original take on cats and mice (comic)
SNAPSHOT From the magnificently masterful mind of Paul Dini comes a new 48-page graphic novel that turns the game of cat and mouse on its (paranormal) head … BOO & HISS! How many comics and cartoons have you seen where the cat chases the mouse endlessly, rarely catching him Continue Reading
Fire it up! Go behind the scenes of Stargate: Origins
SNAPSHOT Origins will actually be a prequel to the original film, focusing on a younger version of the character Catherine Langford (first played by Viveca Lindfors). In the franchise’s mythology, Langford’s father initially discovered the Stargate, with Origins following the adventures that lead her to becoming the Stargate expert Continue Reading
Movie review: Brigsby Bear
Labelling a movie “sweetly affecting”” is usually a sure way to ensure it is consigned to the depths of the Hallmark channel, wrapped in the patina of a feel-good glow never to be seen again by discerning eyes. But no matter how you slice it Brigsby Bear is a Continue Reading
Weekend character poster art: Paddington 2
SNAPSHOT Paddington 2 finds Paddington happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member of the community, spreading joy and marmalade wherever he goes. While searching for the perfect present for his beloved Aunt Lucy’s hundredth birthday, Paddington spots a unique pop-up Continue Reading
Now this is music: 5 fantastic songs recommended by Grizzly Bear
I am a huge fan of Grizzly Bear. So when I found an article on Entertainment Weekly where the band’s Ed Droste talked about his favourite current music, I knew there was a better than even chance I’d love a lot of what he picked. And lo, I was Continue Reading
Beware of The Walking Gingerbread! They will eat ALL your cookies #SesameStreet
One of the great, inestimable joys in life is when Sesame Street parodies a show you love. Their brilliantly-realised parodies are a joy on just about every level – they capture the look and feel of the target show while making merry with its premise, its characters and plots Continue Reading
Movie review: The Midwife
All of us, one way or the other, are the products or prisoners of decisions we make throughout our life. That’s not usually the result of careful, well-thought out planning, of course, save for the those of us brandishing five-year plans and a peculiar sense of self-wrought manifest destiny; Continue Reading
Star Trek Discovery: “Lethe” (S1, E6 review)
SPOILERS AHEAD … AND A CANDY-COATED NEBULA THAT MAKES YOU THINK OF “LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS” … NO, REALLY … Imagine being so intimately connected with someone that you can feel their pain and distress over vast distances of space. Such is the bond though that exists Continue Reading