SNAPSHOTIt’s season six and Rick and Morty are back! Pick up where we left them, worse for wear and down on their luck. Will they manage to bounce back for more adventures? Or will they get swept up in an ocean of piss! Who knows?! Piss! Family! Intrigue! A bunch Continue Reading
Book review: The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley by Sean Lusk
It’s a rare book indeed that doesn’t transport you far away from the everyday, taking you on a richly imaginative journey, whether it’s into someone’s life, their innermost thoughts or to magical places that defy the intervention of the ordinary. It’s one of the great, abiding joys of reading. The Continue Reading
Movie review: Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
It is near impossible to watch Good Luck to You, Leo Grande and not have your heart pulled from your chest, shaped, prodded, poked and split into two and healed before being placed back in your chest beating furiously and with gloriously, heartwarmingly renewed purpose. You could possibly say that Continue Reading
Songs, songs and more songs #71: Yb., Yuna, Låpsley, FELIVAND, Madeline the Person
Falling in love, and yes, also sadly falling out of it, do tend to lend themselves to songs that are happy to take their time ruminating on what’s good, and not so good, about all thing romantic. These five songs from five thoughtfully expressive artists, who know their way around Continue Reading
Movie review: Prey
Having your expectations about a particular film blown to smithereens – in a good way, not the hype-exceeds-reality way – is one of those rare life pleasures that never gets old. Especially in an era where every single film is known about, dissected and examined to within an inch of Continue Reading
Book review: Spring Clean for the Peach Queen by Sasha Wasley
Redemptive tales are always good for the soul. There’s something immensely satisfying and endlessly restorative reading about people who have reached the very end of themselves, usually in messily complicated, destructive ways, and who need to find a way back to who they really are or want to be. Sometimes, Continue Reading
Graphic novel review: A Thing Called Truth by Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Ramboli
Who doesn’t love an adventure? Hitting the figurative road, going places you’ve never been and experiencing life in an altogether different way to normal – it’s intoxicatingly alluring and thrilling beyond measure! Unless, of course, you’re A Thing Called Truth‘s Doctor Magdaelene Träumer, a workaholic scientist working in medicine R Continue Reading
The short and the short of it: Inside Pixar reveals the journey of inspiration behind Dan Scanlon’s feature Onward
Where do the great storytelling ideas come from? If you’re a creator, you’ll likely shrug your shoulders and mutter a resigned “I have no idea” since inspiration seems to often strike out of nowhere, with little warning and some strange weird portal inside you for which there is no good Continue Reading
Book review: A Recipe for Family by Tori Haschka
You wouldn’t necessarily know it from looking at the messy clusterf__k that is modern society but people, by and large, like things neat and tidy. While life by its very unpredictable nature is messily chaotic and rife with glorious inconsistencies, and humanity is more than a little prone to not Continue Reading
If you think you know nature, think again – get ready to be surprised in Super/Natural
SNAPSHOTDiscover the secret powers and super senses of the world’s most extraordinary animals with National Geographic, James Cameron and Benedict Cumberbatch. (synopsis courtesy official Disney Plus Twitter) Nature is pretty damn amazing. That’s obvious every time you step out the door and feel the wind on your face, the sun Continue Reading