At one point we must all confront the fact that our best days could well be behind us.
That’s not necessarily the case of course, but the reckoning must be dealt with nonetheless; in the case of the “It” monster who appeared in a series of movies by Cosmic Pictures where he devoured a succession of world cities, it’s a none too pleasant experience and scarily close to the truth.
Told by his agent, that there’s no place for dinosaurs like them in the modern world of moviemaking – the Godzilla Monster, who watches as his fellow scary beasties like Mothra (cue the fabulous Variety obit) fall by the wayside left and ride from irrelevancy and old age, must confront the fact that his city-destroying days may well be behind him.
Save for smaller scale recreations in the bath and re-watching the movies on TV, of course.
This delightful short film by Harry Chaskin, who wrote, directed and animated this marvellous effort, bravely and poignantly confronts the passing of time and the loss of sense of purpose and relevancy that often comes with it.
It’s touching and meaningful, the stop-motion animation is beautiful and it’s worth investing your time in some rewarding reflective viewing.
(source: io9)