"Something" – Chairlift

For Chairlift the 1980s, and its synth-drenched rhythm never really ended. And no, I am not using their choice to put down creative roots in the heyday of Gary Numan, and Duran Duran as some sort of patronising putdown. It is anything but. Unlike so many other bands that draw inspiration Continue Reading

MDNA – Madonna

Madonna has a new album out March 27 my friends and I am excited! I love the cover, which is bright, colourful and sassy. I love the first single, Give Me All Your Luvin’ (which was leaked a little while back), which is 80s pop confectionary of the highest order, Continue Reading

"Conatus" – Zola Jesus

Zola Jesus, or as her mum calls when she’s angry, Nika Rosa Danilova (from oft cold and frigid Wisconsin which explains the Icelandic sensibilities), is a woman who, like Kate Bush and Bat For Lashes, treads her own musical path, heeding not the siren song of mainstream ordinariness. And that Continue Reading

Albums covers you would rather forget

So I thought this might be a fun way to start the year! I have lots of great ideas for very cool topics, and while those percolate away, in the interim, I thought you’d enjoy checking out album covers of people with unique ideas on how to sell a record.

I love my Scandinavian pop!

It’s 1976, and along with the rest of Australia I had fallen hopelessly, irrevocably (in my case anyway) in love with Swedish superstars ABBA. I loved how they looked, how they talked (with that delightful clipped accent), and most of all, of course, I loved their crisp, bright pop melodies, Continue Reading

Videogames – Lana Del Ray

Thank god for ABC’s JJJ radio, a government-funded music network that is primarily targeted at a younger demographic that plays some mainstream music but mostly spins records from bands than the commercial FM radio stations would never consider adding to their playlist. It is because of JJJ’s willingness to play Continue Reading