The short and the short of it: The bright lights and dedication of Mr #Christmas

SNAPSHOTAn offbeat, touching portrait by director/editor/producer Nick Palmer of a man who has spent three decades turning his small Northern California home into a beautiful, towering Christmas display people travel across the country to see. (synopsis courtesy Vimeo) As someone who adores, lives and breathes Christmas – now, I think Continue Reading

Songs, songs and more songs #20: Galantis + Dolly Parton, Bishop Briggs, Silver Sphere, Meduza, Becky Hill & Goodboys, Daughters of Noise! + Eurovision update

Working to your own vision can be powerful but so can joining forces with other likeminded creative souls. Just how powerful is made manifestly plain in these five songs from artists who have joined with others, either in songwriting or production, to craft pop songs that make their presence gloriously Continue Reading