Star Wars: The Old Republic’s cinematic trailer brings the struggle with the Dark Side vividly alive

  Since 2011 when EA’s Stars Wars: The Old Republic was released, players in this Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game, and according to MAXIM, it is massive indeed, have been able to imagine themselves in the roles of Jedi Knight, Sith Lord, Bounty and Smuggler with the added bonus of being Continue Reading

Ouch! Star Wars The Force Awakens and steps on an hilarious LEGO parody trailer

  SNAPSHOT The No. 1 LEGO® series triumphantly returns with a fun-filled, humorous journey based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The game also features exclusive playable content that bridges the story gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. (official synopsis via Laughing Squid) Let’s face it Continue Reading

May imagination be with you: Craig Davison’s Star Wars art reawakens the child in each of us

  I learnt a long time ago how powerful imagination can be. A budding writer from the moment I realised two words could come together with devastatingly brilliant effect, leaving wonderment, thrills, excitement, fear, adventure and a whole host of other authentically real human emotional reactions in their wake, I have Continue Reading